Survivor’s Jim Peterik – HuffPost 9.22.14

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Jim Peterik: To me, it’s do it because you love it. This ain’t the gravy train no more. It’s not the days when you can make a lot of money easy in this business. It kind of separates the true talents from the wannabes. The wannabes shouldn’t even apply. Play music because you love it, play for your friends, but don’t expect to grab the brass ring. It’s back to the work ethic of playing out, going out on the road, selling your merchandise yourself. It’s like the self-made man concept. Don’t expect to be rescued by Sony Records; it’s not going to happen. And if it does it’s very, very rare. It will happen for a few, but if you’re not committed to your career, just do it as a hobby. They always say, “Follow your dream.” That’s a wonderful American concept, but I always say, “Follow your dream as long as your dream follows your gift.” If you can’t do anything but music, do music. If you’re scattered or if you have multiple goals, it’s not going to work. You’ve got to be a hundred percent committed. Start writing great songs. I always tell the individuals that. A great song is still irrefutable. It’s the coin of the realm. It really is. I’m a songwriter above and beyond anything else. If you write a great song it’s almost irresistible. The universe will find a way to hear it.

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