Less Than Jake’s Vinnie Fiorello – HuffPost 6.20.11

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Vinnie Fiorello: I’ve said it before in other interviews and I’ll say it again…you can’t build a house on sand. You have to build it through hard work and touring, you have to have a foundation to build a career on. You definitely have to embrace the technology that’s there. If you’re not embracing it and looking at it as a tool, how can you possibly excel in today’s industry? I think personal relationships with websites, with other bands, with journalists, those are important things for a young band. Those are tools as well that you can use to build that foundation and be able to make a stand for a long time.

MR: What advice do you have for anyone wanting to emulate your marketing model?

VF: Just go for it. If you to want to step outside the traditional model with a label and a band, make an educated decision and don’t make your decision from a place of fear.

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