Jason Reeves – HuffPost 11.15.11

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Jason Reeves: Wow. I mean, I feel like giving advice is a really intense undertaking. There’s a lot of weight attached to that word. It’s hard to give advice to people when you’re still learning. And I feel like everybody’s still learning, especially now, because of the way it’s changing so quickly. I’d say just stay true to your music. Write what you feel, not what you think people will want to hear. Don’t do it to become famous or to get your songs on the radio. That’s not the way music is made–at least real good music, in my opinion. Other than that, it’s going to be a hell of a ride. It’s not easy or fun most of the time.

MR: I think everybody’s a “new artist” until they’re done.

JR: Yeah, I would hope so. If you aren’t, then I don’t know how you’d be inspired.

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