Israel Nash – HuffPost 8.26.14

Mike Ragogna: What is your advice for new artists?

Israel Nash: I think it’s very easy to become jaded in the music business. Many expectations may not be met, but then expectation change. I’d say the biggest piece of advice for a young artist is to realize they will need to lean on people, people need people and artists definitely need them. Ultimately though, trust yourself and your vision and make your own critical decisions about your art. It is your path

MR: What was the best advice given to you?

IN: I think most artists have a point early on in their careers where they realize that this endeavor isn’t going to be an easy one. Sometimes that can definitely be frustrating. There’s a lot of material out now. More people than ever want to be in a band or like the idea of it at least. That reality becomes disappointing when all you want is to put your music forth. When I was going through that, I had a producer friend tell me not to worry and that the cream always rises. That’s always stuck with me. Maybe it’s about being the last man standing. I don’t know. Once again, confidence in yourself and your art and the knowledge that, if you are doing something that you know is right, then it can’t be wrong. Maybe no one knows it’s right, but time will indeed tell.

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