INVSN’s Dennis Lyxzen – HuffPost 11.4.13

Mike Ragogna: Dennis, what advice do you have for new artists?

Dennis Lyxzen: Get a real job? [laughs] It’s not worth it. No, the thing that I always do, try to stay true to what you want to accomplish. Find yourself an identity, find yourself an idea of what you want to represent and what you are as a band and a person and an artist. I think that’s important. Other people start a band because they want to become famous or they want to get girls. I think that’s kind of the wrong reason to start a band. I think if you want to start a band, if you want to play music, if you want to be an artist, find out what you want to represent, what you want to be, what you want the world to become because of you. I think that’s a good starting point. There are too many bands and too many artists that are just bad imitations of other artists. They just do it for the wrong reasons. That’s the advice that I would give, apart from “It’s not worth it.”

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