The Weepies’ Steve Tannen and Deb Talan – HuffPost 9.15.10

Mike Ragogna: …got some advice to new artists that are jumping into this ring?

Steve Tannen: That’s easy.

Deb Talan: Just keep doing what you’re doing…

ST: …every day, it doesn’t matter what your job is. Both of us had horrible, horrible jobs, and some not so bad jobs. But write every day.

DT: If you are doing work, and you’re enjoying the work, that’s it. If the world allows you to have a career at it, then that’s fantastic.

ST: Nothing has changed in the way we work other than I don’t have to get up and go to Starbucks to work. I can go get a coffee.

DT: I was the professional barista, thank you very much.

ST: Fair enough.

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