Vince Giordano – HuffPost 9.23.11

Mike Ragogna: Vince, what is your advice for new artists?

Vince Giordano: New artists, well… I’d say believe in what you’re doing. Get yourself organized. If you’re gonna be doing something with music that needs arrangements, make sure the arrangements are nice and clean and clear. Put them in little folders–I know this sounds like pretty basic stuff, but I gotta tell you how many new artists that I come across and half the music is back at the apartment or the copy work is so bad that you can’t distinguish what are the right notes or the right chords. So, try to be as professional as you can because it just makes everything run better. The people that are working with you will have more respect and you’ll have a better show. If you don’t put the work in, it’s gonna bite ya, and like I always say, “Cheap is expensive,” you know?

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