TuneCore’s Jamie Purpora – HuffPost 10.11.13

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Jamie Purpora: Find your audience. We’re giving you the tools to be represented and to be distributed and possibly even to be discovered by the film and TV community, but you have to find your audience. Whether it means you have to play a bunch of local gigs, whether it means you have to push harder on a social media platform, you have to find your audience, you have to find who likes you. Once you find that, I think that’s the key. It used to be that the record label would help expose you to your audience. Now that the gates are down and the “record store” shelves are endless, you have an opportunity to take advantage of that by using social media platforms to find your audience. That’s the key. Where you’re playing, who you’re playing for and who you’re pushing your music to is ultimately what’s going to help you succeed, I think.

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