Tim Hauser – HuffPost 1.3.14

Mike Ragogna: What’s your advice for new artists?

Tim Hauser: Yeah, I think more of my son than myself because my son is in the business now. He just got a mention from Billboard. He’s with Datsik. They have a single out called “Closer To The Sun.” It’s great. It’s really good. I don’t say that about everything he does, but oh man. I watch him, since I’m from a different time, but Basie and I sit down and really discuss the differences. He says, “See, you do one thing, because back in your time, you could get away with doing one thing. You can’t do one thing anymore.” He makes records under different names, he’s got his own stuff, he partners up with Datsik, who’s already a top guy, and each partnership is a different entity. Then he also works on the business side. He’s got his hands in a lot of different pies, but that’s how he makes it work, and he’s making it work.

MR: Would you suggest that to others as well?

TH: He’s making it work, so if somebody said they wanted to get started and said, “What should I do?” I say, “Talk to my son.” He certainly knows more about it. His daughter is in the business, too. It’s a different time. Personally, I don’t envy them. I think it was an easier time for us when we were coming up.

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