Teddy Geiger – HuffPost 5.12.13

Mike Ragogna: Teddy, what is your advice for new artists?

Teddy Geiger: I guess just to write as much as you possibly can, and continue to play out and push yourself, even if it feels awkward and weird. The more you’re playing out and the more you’re writing music–even if you hate what you’re writing… When I first started writing songs, I didn’t like any of the songs I was writing. But my mom did. She liked all of them. [laughs] So find people who support what you’re doing and can also give you feedback and criticism that you can appreciate. Also, find the best players in your school and start hanging out and playing music together. In school, I had a lot of other musician friends and we would all push each other to get better, playing each other’s stuff. That, I think, is always really helpful.

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