The Swimming Pool Q’s’ Jeff Calder – HuffPost 10.25.13

Mike Ragogna: Hey, let’s go to my traditional question, which is what advice do you have for new artists?

Jeff Calder: I just think if you get involved in any kind of artistic pursuit, you just have to keep your head down and push ahead and when people say no, you hear yes. That’s really it. At some point, if you’re really not cut out to be doing this, it’ll become clear that you really need to be doing something else.

MR: Were there any times that you felt like, “Hey, I can’t really do this”?

JC: You know, there’ve been plenty of frustrating episodes for me, but I never really questioned whether to keep going doing it or not, you know? The people I work with in the band are just so good and our bonds are really strong and it’s just never really occurred to me to not do it.

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