Susan Werner – HuffPost 2.25.11

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Susan Werner: Put yourself at risk. The old poet Robert Frost said, “Make the poem save you.” Go so far out on a limb that you’re not sure you can get back. Say something that makes you a little bit uncomfortable, makes your audience uncomfortable. Sing what people cannot say out-loud, that’s what songs are supposed to do.

MR: And at Song School, this is what you said to…?

SW: I probably did say that. I also probably said never say from the stage that you have a CD for sale. I hate that more than anything. Oh my god, shut up! Honestly, anyone born after 1990 knows what a CD is. Everyone knows you’re going to have a recording in the back. What is this relationship about? Is this about commerce? Why don’t you just sell shoes. Just go to Nordstrom’s and sell shoes. That’s nice if you have something to sell. But why are you getting up there, are you trying to move me? Are you engaging with me? Or are you just selling me shoes. I feel so strongly about it. If Theo heard me go on a rant, that was probably a big part of my rant. This is not about commerce. You as an artist in front of the microphone, sing and shut up. Now you and I just talked for 45 minutes, I should have just sang for you.

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