Street Drum Corps’ Bobby Alt – HuffPost 6.29.10

Mike Ragogna: What suggestions might you have for artists in general, tech or no tech?

Bobby Alt: Well, the one thing that comes to mind right off the bat is it’s a word of mouth thing. Anything I’ve ever fallen in love with was because somebody told me about it, or I went to check something out because they thought it was cool, whether it was my peers or my parents. And now, obviously, finding out about things on the Internet is very fast.

But for a new artist, just take your time, develop what it is that you’re trying to say or put out there. Take your time working on your music, be patient, because the people will come to you if it’s good and you don’t want to settle for anything less than what you think is great. I know it’s hard for some artists. But there are always going to be fresh ideas, there are going to always be new ideas and that’s what the Street Drum Corps feels like. Every week, there’s something different going through our head. Every month, we’ll be on to new recordings and new ideas. Right now, we’re working on a theater show, we’re working on a Broadway show, we’re working on a Vegas Show, all of these things simultaneously. But making sure that our eye is on the prize, and we set our goals and we have our time.

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