Stone Temple Pilot’s Chester Bennington – HuffPost 10.28.13

Mike Ragogna: So Stone Temple Chester, what advice do you have for new artists?

Chester Bennigton: I think getting people to listen to your music is the most important part but before you get to that point, I think for young artists who are reading this article and happen to get to this part, it’s really easy to trick yourself into thinking that just because you created it, it’s good. I think the most valuable thing that I’ve learned in this business… When you’re a painter, people either get it or they don’t, and people can love it or hate it but for some reason, some art makes it and most of it doesn’t. With musicians, it’s different because you’ve got four or six or more people that are painting the canvas and you kind of need to know your place and what role you serve in the whole, and you need to act upon those strengths as much as possible. The trick is kind of letting your ego get away. It’s good to take all criticism of what you’ve made as constructive criticism.