- in Advice for New Artists , Steve Forbert by Mike
Steve Forbert – HuffPost 9.17.12
Mike Ragogna: Steve, do you have any advice that you would give to someone pursuing a career in music?
Steve Forbert: What I’ve always said remains true. I look at all of this organically, and I’m probably a little out of date here. My priority doesn’t lie with the whole website and Facebook and such. I’m still walking down the road in a pair of real shoes. You need to just play as much as you can. Get in front of people, as I’ve always said. It doesn’t matter if it’s ten people at an open mic or opening a show for someone. Play all the time. I wound up singing on the streets when I got to New York City and it didn’t hurt me a bit, it was a good challenge. I still believe in that. You also have to be honest with yourself. If something doesn’t work, you have to admit it. Always try to find what’s going right and what’s going wrong with your music. If you can, pool your resources and record yourself, do that frequently. I’m still very down to earth about the whole business. I don’t have any networking advice.