Stan Freberg & Hunter Freberg – HuffPost 2.18.11

Mike Ragogna: Nice. Have any advice for new artists?

Stan Freberg: The best thing is to take a bus into Hollywood. (laughs)

MR: (laughs)

Hunter Freberg: One of the things I want to add with advice is simply the word “perseverance” for what you want to do in following your hopes and dreams. You don’t need twenty people to believe in you, you only need one. Freberg and I found, when we met each other, we both had a lot of perseverance personally and professionally in our lives throughout the years. Years ago, a PR executive in New York said to me, “When God created the word “perseverance,” he had you in mind.” I thought, “How perfect I met Stan Freberg, and what song had he written for Volume Two of the U.S.A. but ‘Perseverance.’”

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