Songwriters Hall of Fame Sam Moore – HuffPost 12.30.11

Mike Ragogna: How does it feel to be here tonight?

Sam Moore: Amazing. I’m excited and scared because out of all of the years that I’ve been performing, tonight, I’m singing with Bill Medley, which is a tremendous honor.

MR: Obviously, you’re proud of the material that you’ve written, your body of work, overall.

SM: Yes, but I wasn’t at first. But as I listen back, I think I did a pretty good job.

MR: Sam, what advice would you give to new artists?

SM: Stay away from pornographic material when you’re writing. Take the time to write about love, peace and happiness, no more hatred or bullying. Put your energy into something that makes us want to listen. People don’t write that way anymore, but hopefully, someday, somebody will say, “Enough with the pornographic stuff.” Write some good stuff.

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