Songwriters Hall of Fame John Bettis – HuffPost 12.30.11

Mike Ragogna: How do you feel about tonight’s adventure?

John Bettis: Oh, I’m extremely excited. I brought my kids along with me so they can finally figure out what I do for a living. (laughs)

MR: What advice would you give to a new artist?

JB: These days? Really stay true to yourself. That has always been true of this industry, but we’re a part of an age that will find the more original and unique voices becoming very successful. I think copying that which you hear is a poor idea.

MR: Do you think your kids will pursue careers in music?

JB: (laughs) Well, they want to. I was doing some writing the other morning and I had some Rachmaninoff on, and my daughter came in and picked up a guitar and attempted to play along with the recording. Now it wasn’t quite Rachmaninoff, but perhaps someday. (laughs)

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