Songwriters Hall of Fame Alexa Ray Joel – HuffPost 12.30.11

Mike Ragogna: How does it feel to be here tonight?

Alexa Ray Joel: I’m just really proud of my dad. My dad and I are very close, we’re really good friends. I’m happy he has a date for the night. (laughs) I’m always trying to get him to come into the city because he’s only about an hour away, you know? He’s just a master of songwriting–there’s nobody better. It’s very fitting that he should be here. The craft of songwriting is very important and it needs this attention.

MR: So? When is your own album coming out?

ARJ: Everyone seems to be asking me that. (laughs) I’m actually not doing an album right now. I’m doing a lot of auditions and a lot of voice over work, getting my feet wet in the acting world. I really, really, really love it.

MR: Well, your last video was a lot of fun.

ARJ: Yeah, it was very theatrical. I’ve caught the acting bug. I coordinated and designed that whole video, and it was such a great time. As long as I’m able to create, I’m happy. There are lots of people who want to do just one thing, and I love it all. I’ve done singing, acting, I also do some writing work for a few magazines and I don’t really wanna hone in on just one thing yet, you know? I’m still young and I’m still exploring.

MR: That’s great. Then what’s next for Alexa Ray?

ARJ: Well, I just finished doing a stint at Oak Room, and that went really well. I also just did some work with Bravo TV for a charity called Generosity Water, which is a charity very near to my heart. I’ve also been going to meetings and auditions, even doing a little bit of writing work. I also did a small stint on Family Guy. And, of course, I’ll always be playing shows.

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