SomeKindaWonderful’s Jordy Towers – HuffPost 6.23.14

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Jordy Towers: Oh, man. Do it yourself. I always tell everybody. Do it yourself. There are amazing sites out there and blogs and people who want new music. That’s their lifeblood. There are fan bases out there of people who just want new music. A lot of bands get caught up in needing radio play and needing all this stuff. You don’t need anything. You just need really good music. Just make some killer-ass music that you fully believe in and f**king put it out there. And send it to the right blogs. Send it to people. There are places like Hype Machine…people need to know about Hype Machine. There are ears ready to listen to new music. Don’t be afraid. And my main thing is make sure the music’s good. It’s got to be magic. You put out magic and the world will take notice.


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