Skylar Grey – HuffPost 12.30.11

Mike Ragogna: What do you think about the changes in the industry like the success reality television shows, etc.?

Skylar Grey: Well, with the constant changes in technology and TV programming, you always have to find new ways to get seen. There are no rules in this business. So, if it takes going onto a reality show to do that, I say go for it. But I firmly believe that the reason you will be able to succeed is because you develop a solid fan base. If that means you have to play a lot of live gigs and make independent albums, do that. Just keep making music and building a fan base.

MR: Any other advice for newer artists?

SG: Well, David Foster put out a list of 10 things that he advises new artists and songwriters to do, and I would say watch and study that. (laughs) It’s great advice.

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