Scissor Sisters’ Jake Shears – HuffPost 3.30.11

Mike Ragogna:  Do you have any advice for new–okay, we’re not going to call them artists. What shall we call them?

Jake Shears: Music makers?

MR: There you go. Any advice for new music makers?

JS: Yeah, I think that the resources are amazing for people who want to make music now. It’s just about time and dedication. It’s a different world out there. I think we were one of the last bands in the era of the CD with our first record. Things change in a matter of months right now in the music industry, and I think the most important thing is to make good music that is true to you. The resources are there. I don’t want to say it’s easy to make music, but there are a lot more tools at your fingertips right now than there ever has been.

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