Sam Nelson – HuffPost 10.14.11

Mike Ragogna: Sam, what is your advice for new artists?

Sam Nelson: You know, it’s such a new world all the time. My advice is do what you do and keep doing it. It might sound as cliché as possible, but do what you do and don’t chase it. The second you start chasing it, it’s over. The best that you can be is when you’re out in front of it and people resonate to you, not when you’re following other trends or a goal that somebody else puts out for you. Be the best that you can be. Not to sound cheesy, but you can’t please everyone, you have to please yourself. The older that I’m getting, I realize that in every aspect–not just art and music–it’s really about cherishing who you are and offering what you do best and continuing to do it.

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