Saigon – HuffPost 3.11.11

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Saigon: Don’t put all your eggs in this music basket. Make this be your Plan B or C, and I would stick with plan C because it’s fickle. The music business changes too much for you to take it serious. Today, whatever’s hot could be cold tomorrow. It’s a fickle business, and it’s falling every day. So, if you’re trying to do it, do it as a hobby, and if it works for you, cool. But go to school and set tangible goals that you can achieve with hard work. I’m a testament to the fact that you can be talented, work very hard at this game, and still not get a break. I’d really set a goal where I can control whether it happens or not, and then I’d go from there.

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