The Sadies’ Dallas Good – HuffPost 9.30.13

Mike Ragogna: All right, my traditional question that even you, Dallas Good, can’t escape. What advice do you have for new artists?

Dallas Good: Give up. There’s already too many of us. [laughs] Or “do your job,” depending on whether you use that part or not.

MR: You have a very solid career in The Sadies. I don’t want to say you need something like this, but if you had a holy grail, what would it be, creatively, success-wise or career-wise or whatever?

DG: It’s funny you should ask that, because I’ve heard the question posed before and I remember hearing my brother answer that he would love the opportunity one day to work with Neil Young. Well, we’ve already recorded and toured with him, Travis even got to have Thanksgiving dinner with him. So have I, as a matter of fact, so I guess our only grail, our mission statement or whatever, is to just stay alive, keep doing what we do, and hopefully, reach more people in the process. I just say that because I don’t have a list of accomplishments that I’m looking for. I just hope for the opportunity to continue to do the things I enjoy doing. We’re lucky, and I know I’ve said that word a few times. We’re very fortunate that people we like want to work with us, too. They like me, they really like me.

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