Ryan Montbleau – HuffPost 12.7.10

Mike Ragogna: What is your advice to new artists?

Ryan Montbleau: It’s funny now. Sometimes, I’m the guy that people ask advice from, and that kind of blows my mind. I feel like the little pipsqueak at the end of the totem pole trying to talk to the big guy. We’ve definitely made some progress, I’ve definitely made a career. The only way I know how to do this is how we’ve done it, as far as building a career–just building it one room at a time, playing shows and playing out. It’s hard to get your foot in the door at first, but it doesn’t take long before you can get a lot of gigs and do them. You just have to really want to do them. So, I tell people get out and play. If you can only get a crappy gig in the beginning, go play the hell out of that crappy gig. As far as recording, it’s kind of the same thing. You’ve got to go and do it, you have to make something happen. With as much touring as I’ve done, I haven’t spent as much time as I would have liked on some of the records. We just had to get them done early on because we had to go on tour. It’s good when people can take their time on it too. The bottom line is if you want to go out there and make music, then you have to just go out there and do it.