Robert Francis – HuffPost 5.30.12

Mike Ragogna: Robert, what advice do you have for new artists?

Robert Francis: Just make sure that you’re doing it for the right reasons and that you love the craft and the art of music primarily before anything else. If that’s your number one thing and you can say that you’d suffer or die for a song, then by all means, go out and pursue music as your career. It’s a dangerous industry, but it’s like The Wild West. It’s crazy. If it’s what you love, be fearless and do it.

MR: How heavily do you participate in social networking?

RF: I am not the best social networker. My label… everyone is always trying to get me to do social networking. Constantly. But it’s hard for me to wrap my head around it. I think the internet, even though it has all these great things to offer, I think it has destroyed the collective unconscious of human beings. So it’s hard for me to sit there on the computer trying to advertise my music, or self, or represent myself that way. But I’m getting better at it, so stay tuned.