Rob Zombie – HuffPost 5.23.11

Mike Ragogna: Rob, what advice do you have for new artists?

Rob Zombie: That depends what field they are entering.

MR: Well, how about a field like what you’re doing?

RZ: Well, my only advice to anybody is don’t quit, and f**k everybody else. Every single person will tell you you’re terrible, that what you want to do is a bad idea, that it will never work, and that it will never happen, so why even bother? That’s because everyone’s biggest fear is that you will become a success, and they will try everything within their power to try to dissuade you from doing it. I think, for the most part, all the people I know who are successful are the ones who just sort of blocked that out and did it anyway. I know a lot of people who are super talented, but just never did anything with their lives because for whatever reason they just didn’t do it. You know these musicians or artists, and they work in a show store. You just go, “Well, what happened?” You just have to have a bizarre work ethic to push forward.

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