Rickie Lee Jones – HuffPost 7.20.11

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Rickie Lee Jones: I’m so not good at that, but I’d remind them that at a performance, everybody has come to be loved, not just you. All of your audience has also come to be loved by you. They haven’t come to judge you, they’ve come to be loved and give love–that’s all that’s going on. If you remember that, and not stare at the tuning of your guitar or worry about whether or not you hit that note perfectly, but just remember that this is about people that love you and need you to give that spirit back, then you’ll have a good time, and you’ll do good work in the world.

MR: Nice. “…you’ll do good work in the world.” What a good line.

RLJ: Well, it’s my job.