Renaiszance’s Ravé and Radha Mehta – HuffPost 2.5.13

Mike Ragogna: What’s the best advice you’ve received and what advice would you give to aspiring artists?

Radha Mehta: Hmm, so although we’ve been at this for years and years, I feel we’re just now starting. I guess the best advice I can give from personal experience is to never give up on your dreams. Every artists owes it to themselves to try their best so later in life they don’t regret not trying at all.

Ravé Mehta: Some of the best advice I received is when I was at a dinner with Deepak Chopra and he told me, “It’s not the ghost that’s in the machine, it’s the machine that’s in the ghost.” If anyone wants to know what that means exactly, just ask me later. [laughs] Also, my dad Vipin Mehta is my greatest mentor and wrote the Global Healing book series, and his mantra was, “Change the mindset, change the world,” essentially saying that all our problems only exist in the mind, therefore, that’s where we’ll find our solutions. As far as my advice to other aspiring artists, I would say just follow the 3 P’s–patience, persistence and perseverance.