Randy Newman – HuffPost 5.30.11

Mike Ragogna: It seems like this latest proliferation has the biggest spread of talent in every area. Do you have any advice for new artists?

Randy Newman: My advice is sort of just to show up for work. I haven’t done it myself as much as I should have. For writers, show up every day for it. A lot of people love it so much, they don’t have trouble with work habits, so I’m advising some people that don’t need this advice. But if you’re doing something, show up everyday, and something good might happen–it’s not going to happen if you don’t show up.

MR: Nice.

RN: Sounds simple, but for me it’s important. Also, keep an open mind about music. Music people tend to be such snobs sometimes — serious musicians won’t listen to rock ‘n’ roll, and rock ‘n’ roll has to be a certain way — don’t start hating stuff right from the top.

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