A Quick Chat with Grace Valerie – HuffPost 2.12.14

Mike Ragogna: How would you describe what’s going on in Russia with regards to LGBT?

Grace Valerie: Russian society is very conservative and is still not as open-minded to LGBT as Western countries would like it to be. A lot of my friends and fans are part of the LGBT and it’s sad that they don’t feel as free in Russia as they may elsewhere. However, LGBT grassroots movement in Russia is small but gaining strength, and it’s making a progress with multiple gay bars and clubs across the country. Things now are much better than they were in the Soviet Union or are in some African, Arab, or Latin countries, but clearly not as good as they are in EU or the US. Love is not only the most universal language, but also the strongest driver throughout human history and I sincerely believe in its power. I’m always paying attention to the news and hoping for the best.

MR: Why do you think Vladimir Putin is taking this position against LGBT and does a majority or minority of the country agree with him?

GV: I think it’s the lack of exposure and fear of the unknown that cause world leaders, countries and people all over the world to take unwelcoming positions. The law, which came into power this last summer, prohibits advocacy of gay lifestyle among the Russian youth under 18. The majority of the country indeed agrees with Vladimir Putin and the law, which doesn’t help the LGBT’s cause.

MR: How has it affected you and the lives of your friends?

GV: It has given me the inspiration to support my fans and friends, who are very dear to me. I am hoping to achieve that through “Not for Love” and by playing venues around the world.

MR: In your opinion, is this something reversible from a ground roots level?

GV: Absolutely. It’s already there. It’s already changing. It’s not up to the leaders to start or hinder the change, but up to us. My new video is an expression of love. It crosses nations, shapes, colors, and forms. It’s all about human relationships, about the complexity of love – something anyone can relate to.

MR: What is your advice to artists affected by Putin’s stance on LGBT?

GV: My advice to all artists is to always be yourself. Whether it’s now or a year from now, you will never regret being who you are. All around the world, real success finds those who are true to themselves.

MR: What is your advice to Putin?

GV: Diversity is what makes us strong. That’s what I’ve learned here in America. All politics aside, Putin is a fighter and he might like some of the boxing scenes in the video. I hope he gets a chance to watch the video and enjoy my song!

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