August 2, 2012

Peter Cincotti – HuffPost 8.2.12

Mike Ragogna: Peter, we’ve come to that part of the interview when I ask you what advice do you have for new artists?

Peter Cincotti: I guess it would be something along those lines. I mean, it’s tough. You’ve got to do it if you need to do it. If there’s no other option in life, you’ve got to follow it and you’ve got to play what’s from the heart. A lot of people disagree with me, too. Hell, I’d be making a lot more money if I would have stuck with jazz. Everybody wanted me to make jazz record after jazz record because it worked for me that first time, but I wanted to explore different things. It costs solely business-minded people a lot of things. Therefore, things change, teams change, the whole rest of your career changes by a single decision like that. But I have always embraced those kinds of changes because I have learned a lot, certainly musically.

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