Pete Seeger – HuffPost 9.6.10

Mike Ragogna: Do you have any advice for young people?

Pete Seeger: I give out advice all the time, and one is to get as much information as you can whether it’s from books or the internet because the information revolution may save the human race.

Nobody knows what the future is going to be. Kurt Vonnegut felt there was a chance of a snowball in hell of the human race being here in 100 years. Scientists do a lot of stupid things and invent things they shouldn’t invent. Einstein once said there are two infinite things, one is the universe and the other is human stupidity.

MR: And might you have any advice to new artists?

PS: Sing in front of as many different kinds of people as you can. Old folks, middle age folks, kids, infants, and sing for people you disagree with too. Learning how to communicate with people we disagree with is something the whole world has to learn.