PBS Cousin Brucie – HuffPost 12.30.11

Mike Ragogna: What’s your advice for new artists?

Cousin Brucie: The very first thing I would say is never give up. There’s an Elvis Presley song that was one of my favorites that says, “Go follow that dream,” and I believe you should. There are times when it’s gonna be tempting to give up and maybe go into the family business or something, but I say never give up. I don’t care what happens. You have to surround yourself with great people, get a great agent who knows how to promote you, and talk to everyone that you can. My greatest advice, though, is to meet and talk to everyone you can. If you see me on the street, talk to me because anyone you meet might always know someone in the industry. Being in this industry is very difficult, especially given the current economic situation. But you can never, ever give up. If you have a dream, go after it.

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