Paul Simon – HuffPost 3.22.11

[Note: While interviewing Paul Simon, I asked him my usual question but he felt more comfortable answering a related question as listed below.]

Mike Ragogna: So, what is your advice for new artists?

Paul Simon: Come up with another question because I don’t have an answer for that.

MR: Okay, what do you think about what’s going on in music now?

PS: I think there is a lot of interesting stuff that I hear in the indie music world. It seems like musicians are better educated and better trained. You have music majors coming out of college who have already studied Philip Glass and Steve Reich, and they know a very wide range of music. Sometimes, I hear really interesting records. I heard a record the other day that was really nice by James Blake, who is English, and I think he’s twenty years old. I liked that record quite a bit. Otherwise, when I listen to the radio…on satellite radio, I listen to old country, old rock ‘n’ roll, ’50s, blues, and that’s about it. The rest of the time, I’m either listening to CNN, NPR or major league baseball.

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