Panic! At The Disco’s Spencer Smith – HuffPost 4.25.11

Mike Ragogna: Do you have advice for new artists?

Spencer Smith: I guess it’s sort of fair to ask that, but we still feel like we are starting and have a lot to learn. I think that because everybody was a musician releasing music now or just a music fan, most people are aware just from reading things online that the music industry is changing so much. There is becoming less and less of a need for some of the rolls that were (once) there and necessary. It’s much more of a DIY set up now for bands using the internet and everything. So, I just would say stay as true to yourself as you can because if you get into the mindset of writing for what somebody else is telling you to do, those people might not even be necessary in the music business five years from now. Always just stay true to yourself, work on writing the best songs you can. There is no replica for pure practice.

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