P.O.D.’s Sonny Sandoval – HuffPost 8.6.12

Mike Ragogna: Cool, Sonny. What advice do you have for new artists?

Sonny Sandoval: Obviously, we’ve been in this game for 20 years, not that I feel like a new artist, but I do feel like the underdog starting all over again. It goes the same for a new band. You have to love what you do. If you’re into this to try to be a rock star and try to be famous, there’s no hope in that. It’s all kind of meaningless. You’ll learn that as you experience this game. You’ve got to stick with it because you love it, you love-making music. You’ve got to appreciate the fact that there are people out there that are listening to you that care about your band, and that’s a humbling thing. Take it from me, being in this game 20 years, don’t get caught up in all of the hype. It will leave you empty.

MR: Beyond empty, dude, and I’ll add something to that. To me, the whole conscienceless climbing thing for success with its “ends justifies the means”/”take no prisoners” approach, no matter what good people get hurt, mocks creativity and debases art. Then again, who doesn’t want to be a Kardashian, and yes, I’m kidding. But that’s just an old person talking, right Sonny? (laughs)

SS: That’s how it will be viewed, you’re just old. But it’s the truth. Stay humble through the journey, enjoy what you do, and don’t let it get the best of you.

MR: The latter’s the challenge. But the great ones are conscious of life lessons along the way, especially like how to treat people right.

SS: Yeah.

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