Chris Thile – HuffPost 2.29.12

Mike Ragogna: I wanted to ask you, after all your years of playing, being the musician’s musician, what advice would you have for new artists?

Chris Thile: I meet a lot of aspiring musicians who are so worried about their careers, worried about their professional advancement, getting discovered and getting a break and all that kind of thing. My advice would be if you spend that much energy just working on your music and practicing, you’ll become undeniable, there’ll be no need for a break or for being discovered. At this point, there are very few secrets in terms of things that are really good. With the internet and everything, if you just worry about being as good as you possibly can be, people will find you. It may not seem like people like good stuff sometimes because of what we’re constantly being bombarded with on the radio, etc., but they really do. There are going to be enough people out there for you to be able to sustain your career as long as you’re kicking ass. But kick ass you must. I would advise people to spend as much time as they can working on their craft and not worrying about how that craft is going to be showcased.

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