Motopony’s Daniel Blue and Buddy Ross – HuffPost 8.19.11

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Daniel Blue: Foster a partnership with the Author of your craft. Surrender to that which chooses to come through you for good. Choose to come through your highest self. Believe that art is magic and it waits with great expectation for a willing channel to manifest itself. Hope for your desire, but release the end result. Learn the beauty of opposites in harmony. Work toward healthy relationships with all that is around you.

Buddy Ross: CREATE! In the back of my mind, I always felt I could go far, but that wasn’t my focus. My focus has always been to just create, experiment, and explore. For the sole fact that the process of creating something new is what drives me, I never felt higher than when I’m sitting there as a brand new idea takes shape, something no one else has ever heard. So, I would say just strive to find that place where you are excited about what you’re making. That’s all that matters. And when other people start to like it, it’s just cool because they are sharing in that feeling that you get when you’re making it.

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