Milo Greene’s Andrew Herringer & Graham Fink – HuffPost 4.16.12

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you guys have for new artists?

Graham Fink: I’ve got some. Like Andrew was saying, we had been doing this a long time with other bands before we got Milo Greene going. The one thing that sticks out to me with respect to the success we’re having so far is that we made a decision to get everything up to a very solid level before we put our foot forward. Rather than just starting playing shows and figuring out how to be a band together at shows, we practiced, and we recorded, and we demoed and got to a point where before we played our first show, we felt confident. That’s not to say that we haven’t grown together over the past year, but we really put in the time to making sure that before we got on stage or sent out music, it was up to a level that we were happy with, and not just a foundation of something to come.

Andrew Herringer: Yeah, when we announced our first show, we had a couple demos we posted on Bandcamp, we had a video that we posted on Youtube, and there was definitely a professionalism to it all that we wanted to make sure was there from the beginning. I think that has allowed our success to be catapulted a little bit more this last year than I think we even thought possible.

MR: Basically, when looking at a new artist or band, you feel your example is something they could follow?

AH: Yeah, I think there should be a standard of quality. There is so much music out there, if you don’t break above all the other stuff going on, you’re just going to get lost in it.

GF: First impressions are just so important. It’s way harder to come back from a bad first impression of something and change someone’s relationship with your band name or your artist than to just have a good impression to begin with.

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