July 18, 2011

Mike Batt – HuffPost 7.18.11

Mike Ragogna: Mike, with all of your experience and history in the music business, do you have any advice for new artists?

Mike Batt: Well, the old adage about it being only part inspiration and a great deal of perspiration really has a lot to do with it. You can’t really ever tell how good you are or are not going to get, but the main tools you need are ambition and resilience. Without making yourself a complete pain in the butt, you have to have faith and keep going. That, to me, is the most important thing. You also have to be sincere rather than cynical. If you just want to get into this business to make a lot of money, you’re unlikely to succeed. And if they do succeed, they won’t have had nearly as good a time as those people who have a sincere passion about music and art.

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