Mervyn Warren – HuffPost 1.13.12

Mike Ragogna: Do you have any advice for new artists?

Mervyn White: You know, the business has changed so much since I started that the first thing I would say is that if you believe you have the talent, persistence and tenacity, they are probably some of the most important qualities to have apart from talent, of course. I think it may take even more effort and “stick-to-it-iveness” to make it in today’s industry. Of course, I grew up in Alabama where no one made money doing music unless they were a teacher, but I knew what I wanted to do. Despite people telling me that I was talented but needed to get a job, I refused and said that this was what I wanted to do and said I’d be fine. Fortunately, it worked out. So, what I would say to people is stick to it and don’t let anyone dissuade you.

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