Meet Sean Forbes and his “Mood Swings” – HuffPost 4.4.13

The Bass Brothers discovered him, Eminem took him under his wing. Marlee Matlin is a huge fan and friend, and at his NYC show last month, NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s famed interpreter Claudia was there.

So what’s all this about? Dude’s name is Sean Forbes. He’s a deaf rapper, and the man has something to say about his latest, the video exclusive, “Mood Swings.”

Mike Ragogna: Sean, you’re a moody kinda guy?

Sean Forbes: I am who I am, I’m moody, I can be the nicest guy in the world, or I can be a real piece of work, you never know what you’re going to get. There are moments when the little stuff irritates you, and times when they don’t, this was my way of venting.

MR: Uh, be a pal and gimme more, will ya?

SF: “Mood Swings” is an autobiographical song that opens up with me discussing the six years I spent in college, partying all the time, not focusing on my schoolwork, changing my major frequently, and quitting college 2 classes shy of obtaining my bachelors degree. At that moment, I didn’t care, then I did, then I didn’t again….. I guess you could say I knew what I did was stupid because I did eventually go back and finish those last two classes and get my bachelors degree. I’m the type of person that is never satisfied. When people tell me that I’ve accomplished something extraordinary, I always want more.

MR: Can you go into the clip a little?

SF: For the music video, the idea was to have a bunch of crap being thrown at me, I pretty much ate confetti for lunch that day.

MR: Something about this song that, I don’t know, you like more than anything else?

SF: I love moodiness of the song, I’m happy, then I’m sad, angry, then I’m mad, pitching a fit, satisfied, then not caring about anything at all, and back again.

MR: I see a pattern here. Any thought about the song?

SF: “Mood Swings” is about my demons, I can be very indecisive about what I want, then I know exactly what I want and will stop at nothing to achieve it.