September 11, 2013

Max Frost – HuffPost 9.11.13

Mike Ragogna: Nice. What is your advice for new artists?

Max Frost: Find people who you truly believe, and who believe in what you do, not people who think that they could be the piece that makes you right, whether it be musically or whether it’s business. I’m not someone who comes along and says, “I love what you do, with me, you could be this.” Never that. You need to find someone who legitimately…and it doesn’t have to be someone big in the music industry. Surround yourself with people on your team who you love or your early fan base who love your music. From there, you can just keep plugging and playing. That would be my main piece of advice. And only do this if you would be doing this regardless of whether or not it was your job. If you’re just gonna go out there and take a shot at music and then go back to something else if it doesn’t work out, you probably shouldn’t be doing it. If you have it, try making some money off of it. If you don’t have it, don’t do it. That’s like a Bukowski poem, that “don’t do it” poem.
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