Mason Jennings – HuffPost 12.7.11

Mike Ragogna: What kind of advice would you have for new artists?

Mason Jennings: Not that I really have any advice, but I think one thing I’ve learned is that there really is no pot of gold out there other than that you get to play music. I think at the beginning, I thought, “If I could just have this person hear my music, everything would be cool then.” What I’ve learned is that you still have to wake up in the morning and do your stuff. The thing that I still enjoy most in my life is being with friends and family and making music. So, if you’re in the music business to make music, you’re going to have a good time because you get to make music. But if you’re in it for other reasons, it’s a pretty tough walk, actually. If you love making music and you love what you do, I think it’s going to be a great walk for you, and I wish you luck.

MR: That’s really sweet advice. Now, would you have taken that advice if you heard if from you these days?

MJ: I’m trying to, man. It’s definitely tough touring so much, and things like that, but I love music so much that I can’t imagine ever stopping making music. The touring part is a challenge as I get older, but the making music part is always a joy. Being around other people that are interested in music and sharing that with them is just such a fun life.

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