Marketa Irglova – HuffPost 12.23.11

Mike Ragogna: Marketa, what advice do you have for new artists?

Marketa Irglova: I think my advice would be for them just to believe in themselves. That’s the most important thing. I remember when I was starting to write music, I was kind of in a funny situation where Glen was a huge hero to me, someone that I looked up to. I put him on a pedestal and idolized him for his music because it just felt like it came from another place. When he encouraged me to write my own songs, I was battling with this thought of, “It’s never going to be as good. It cannot be as good as your songs. What’s the point in trying?” And yet when I wrote music, I found that it was so much fun that I was like, “Well, why not? I’ll just continue and I’ll just work on it.” I had to battle those thoughts of lack of work every time they crept in. I think that’s really, really important for everybody who’s starting, just to know that if they have an inclination towards doing something, it’s their soul telling them that’s what they should be doing in life and it’s nothing but to be respected and honored. And know that it’s a craft that gets better with time and practice, so having faith in yourself is crucial. That’s it, I think. That’s my biggest advice.

MR: That’s beautiful. Any other words of wisdom?

MI: Oh, as usual, I would just like to express my gratitude for anybody who finds their way to the music and gives it their love because ultimately, that’s what nourishes it and that’s what makes it exist. If there weren’t people to hear it, we probably wouldn’t be making it. So, my deepest gratitude for all the support and the love. Thank you.

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