Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis, Jr. – HuffPost 7.31.13

Mike Ragogna: Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis, Jr., what is your advice for new artists?

Billy Davis, Jr.: One of the things, I would like to say for new artists is make sure you are dedicated to your profession, because dedication is probably one of the most important things as far as trying to make it in this business. This business demands dedication.

Marilyn McCoo: And I would like to say try to be true to who you are as an artist, to your own sound, because there’s there so much talent out there, there’s so much competition. It’s really interesting to watch shows like American Idol and The Voice and all those shows that are out there today and you see these young artists come out there and they do what they do. Don’t try to be somebody else, be who you are and bring what you feel you have to share with the audience. You see somebody like Adele; if you were to see a picture of her without hearing her sing, you would say, “Oh that’s cute. That will never happen.” But as soon as she opens her mouth and you hear this incredible talent, this incredible gift… She has taken the world by storm because she’s true to who she is as an artist.

MR: Isn’t it amazing that she was able to break through the din of all the dance music and all the electronic stuff?

BDJ: Isn’t that something, she broke right through it. Yes.

MM: Well you know, an interesting thing, too, Mike, is that Billy and I always talk about timing. Timing is so important.

BDJ: I think the world was ready for that sound, ready for something different.

MM: Sometimes, someone with the most incredible gift can come along and not click and it’s not because they’re not incredibly talented, it’s the timing.

BDJ: And so many of those things have happened. We knew incredible singers that tried and just didn’t make it so they’re off doing something else.

MM: Or you can continue to do what you want to do and not think in terms of “I’m going to sell ten million records.” Come out there and do it because you love it and let it take you where it’s going to take you, and hopefully, you can make a career doing what you love.

MR: I felt like that one of the secrets of Adele’s success was that she sings with an honesty and passion. It raises goosebumps, and it’s like a natural thing for her.

BDJ: That’s true. What you said is real.

MM: She is truly gifted.

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