Los Lonely Boys’ Henry Garza – HuffPost 4.25.11

Mike Ragogna: What advice might you have for new artists?

Henry Garza: My advice for any new artist out there is to never give up, never stop believing, and don’t let anybody ever change who you are in your heart. If you write a song about “Spam and Eggs,” write it, and don’t let anybody tell you it’s stupid because if it comes out of you, then it’s never stupid.

MR: Very nice. You know, you’re going to get “cards and letters” for that one.

HG: (laughs) That’s just what we believe, man. Our dad always taught us to just give us what we got, you know?

MR: No, actually, not cards and letters…emails and texts.

HG: There are still cards and letters out there. We don’t ask for nothing, though, we’re just thankful to be able to give the music back, and still be able to breath. Right now, we’re on our way to New Mexico, and we don’t know if we’re going to make it. Right now it’s going to be by the skin of our teeth.

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