- in Advice for New Artists , Kristian Day by Mike
Kristian Day – HuffPost 5.20.14
Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists, filmmakers or screenwriters?
Kristian Day: I like to tell people to first be realistic. I’ve worked a lot with the the David Lynch MA film program producing films, and I always just say don’t be held back by anything, but also be realistic about what you can do. You can be realistic and still be very creative with everything that you pursue. Also, the first project for anybody is sort of an “Ego” piece – you know, they want to have all this expression. I encourage that, but in the end it’s not necessarily what it’s all about. You can create amazing films and you have to decide what you want out of it. Do you want to be “Mr. Hollywood,” or do you be the creative artist? I always tell people to ask themselves that before they do anything. Figure out who are trying to be. If it is to be that Hollywood playboy, admit it to yourself first.